be you
“You’re the best kind of bossy.” My pastor declared to me one day shortly after I began to work with her. “How could bossy ever be good?” I wondered. At times, I felt like I’d never be able to just fit in because of my strong tendencies.
No matter how much I wanted others to like me, I had a consistent feeling of rejection. I was too honest, encouraged people outside their comfort zone whether to take a risk or to think differently about life’s challenges, and I would naturally take charge when a plan didn’t seem to be formed, I guess I was just “too much”. Now, for the first time in my life, the words my pastor said placed value on a gift inside of me that I thought was a burden I’d have to forever endure.
As time went on, I began to realize that there was beauty and usefulness in the strength that I carried. I just needed to put better form around the substantive gifts God had placed in my life. I began to listen when people would have friction with me and when what they were saying didn’t reflect the character of my heart I challenged myself to see if my delivery was off instead of hating myself and taking the easy route of declaring, “This is just who I am and I can’t change.”
The challenge most strong women face is not knowing how to put their God-given fire in a furnace so it can be used to bring warmth and illuminate dark spaces. Instead, they often settle for wildfires and volatile sparks of passion that shock those around them. If you are a strong woman and desperately want to live up to your purpose I want to challenge you to become self-aware enough to make changes that will help you to be perceived in a way that is more true to who you are. Please note that being self-aware does not mean being self-conscious!
I also had to come to the realization that not everyone was going to like me, but that didn’t mean that no one liked me. Not everyone is supposed to go on the journey of life with you and if you’re getting your approval wrapped up in the thoughts of others you are going to be very disappointed and feel like you will never measure up. God alone is our source! He approves you. He loves you and he validates your worth.
As personal as it is to refine your character and leadership, I want to encourage you to not take it personally! God made us all so very different and because of that, we all have to work to give the best of ourselves and bring the best out of others. You get to choose what you do with that incredible gift of life God has given you.
You are a treasure and it’s time you see yourself as such and help others to see it too by being the best kind of bossy you can be! Be free to Be You!