What’s Next

 What's next? It's a question I often get asked, especially as I have embarked on a new season of employment (or unemployment), motherhood, and sitting on the year anniversary of releasing my first book. It's an innocent question, but it begs for a more thoughtful response.

It was an early spring morning in 2023 that was just like all the others. I woke up, brushed my teeth, got the kids up for school, and sat down at my favorite spot on my L-shaped couch with my Bible, highlighter, pen, and caffeine in hand. It was then that I read these words that penetrated my heart. It was as if God, my Father, was speaking them audibly to me:

Psalm 18:19 ESV

He brought me out into a broad place;

he rescued me, because he delighted in me.

Tears filled my eyes as I underlined and highlighted these words that arrested my heart. Though flooded with peace and assurance the more I meditated the more questions arose.

Where is he bringing me?

What has he rescued me from?

Why does he delight in me?

As time went on, I realized that to be brought somewhere new I had to be willing to let go of what I knew, what I had known for so long, what I had loved for so long. I knew titles, "season(s)" of busyness that were not seasons at all, strategy, and ministry that infused my soul with purpose, redeemed hearts of women across the globe, and the taste of victory as the enemy's grip was completely cut loose of God's people. How can I leave such things? Apart from them all who am I and how would I ever enjoy the flavors I had so loved from what I had known for so long?

Broad means covering a large scope. That means he's not bringing me into one place, one revelation, one ministry, one reason, but into many spaces unknown, unexplored by my narrow lens. It's hard to give up what you love for something you know nothing about, but at one juncture of my life I didn't know missions, ministry in the prisons, teaching God's word, or being a part of something way bigger than myself. Yet, in God's kindness of where I was, He began to develop my pallet and shape my character. If I could trust God then and see such miraculous wonders, I can certainly trust Him now to let go so I can go.

So where is He bringing me, I have NO idea! Maybe I can skip question one for question two: what has He rescued me from? This is a deep introspective question. One that I'm not even sure I wanted to know the answer to. To be rescued means that you must have found yourself in some type of danger. By all accounts I was thriving so what danger lurked in the unseen? Scripture exposes constant perpetual dangers to believers:



Lust (our flesh)


All of these are seen throughout the early church as many well-intended Christians ignored the deeper places within and just kept pressing through doing what seemed right in their own eyes. Paul addressed such things throughout the New Testament. So which of these can I see lurking in the mirror? If I'm honest all of them, but the one closest to closing in was complacency. It's easier to do what's familiar than to be obedient. Every part of my process-driven mind validated my season with these measures of success: a growing ministry, financial security, 14 years of investment, and fruitful labor. But these measures were simply not enough to disregard what God was asking of me now.

It's easier to go anywhere and do anything for God, but what about when he says quit and doesn't tell you anything about what's next? God never calls us to nothing, but he does often strip us down to see what's inside. At the core, I want to be obedient over being "important". I want to hold weight, not put on airs. I want to love intently, and generously, not rush by people to get to what's next. I guess in essence God rescued me from me so I can begin to see what he sees within me and within those around me.

Delight. He sees delight. Is what's behind a waste? Of course not, he delighted in my obedience for so many years when it was not comfortable, he delighted in the unseen tears, and he delighted in the many battles won through him. Is what's ahead of me void and empty? Of course not, he delights in me! Why? Because I'm his daughter and just as he called me into the last season, he's now calling me into the next. He takes us from glory to glory because of his great pleasure in our obedience. Our willingness to step out of the known into the unknown for who knows what!

So what's next? I have no idea! Yes, there are more books in me. Yes, there is still ministry I've yet to experience, but today I'm just granted the opportunity to know that I am his delight, that he has many great things ahead, and that no matter what comes my way he has and will always rescue me!

If you too are feeling stirred to do something that makes NO sense from every practical place, can I encourage you to walk into the broad places? God will never leave you to your own navigation if we just rely solely on him. Plus it will be the adventure of a lifetime!

Cheers and thank you to all who have supported this God-journey of mine. Your love has encouraged my soul.




Four Questions to ask God


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