Growing up everyone around me had stories that were lifetime movie material. Dramatic and tragic. The steps in our stories are different but as Celeste often says - the lies were the same. I was humbled by that reality while I read this book. A preacher’s kid from a small town and a girl from the projects - facing the same heart issues?? Crazy but only God.

I was immersed in a chaotic environment, consequently; I struggled with instability and harbored pain.

When I began reading You Are Not Who You Think You Are, the words on each page felt personal. The echo of God’s truth rang louder with each page. I was reminded and empowered that “when we are broken pain seeps out of us, but when healed we bear fruit.”

I am able to recognize that God’s desire is not for us to sit and dwell in pain but to be freed of that pain. Jesus bore the pain on the cross so that we would be healed and bear fruit. Like Celeste said, God is not done with you — or me! Expect to think different, break cycles and be confident by the end of this book.

With love and appreciation,

Kyiva Beasley

Confidence is tricky. If you ask most people I know, they would say that I am very confident. And I am…sort of. When I really think about it, I’ve realized I wear confidence like armor to protect me from other people’s opinions, harsh words and even my own thoughts and feelings. Reading You Are Not Who You Think You Are helped me understand that I don’t need to “wear” confidence because I am confident in the One who created me. God loves me as-is and that’s all that really matters.

-Becky Zertuche

This book is a reminder of God’s love and the authority we have as children of God.  While studying the life of Joshua, I saw how he didn’t allow the voices of the world drown out his identity. This allowed me to be true to the person I am created to be and to know that my mistakes are not my identity. I now think different and see myself the way God sees me.

-Jazmin Soto

As an artist, writer, and filmmaker, a lot flitters through my mind about my identity. Every day is in public. Every day something is being said about you and your work. Some is nice. Some is not. At times, I hear the old voices of the past whispering about my unworthiness. I also hear the "what have you done lately" that makes you valuable? Or just the flat-out cruelty of jealous peers.

You Are Not Who You Think You Are is an invaluable tool to help the creative understand their worth and how they were made by the LORD for His purpose. Celeste helps you to understand where your help and talent come from. You can stop spinning your wheels chasing after the clicks and likes and start the path Jesus has laid before you. You can be confident in what He made you for and live in it every day, no matter the season you are in, where you came from or where you're going.

Be courageous. See yourself as God made you. Run your race with confidence. Be relentless.

  • Laura Farrar

Do you ever get stuck in a mental loop of rehashing the past and rehearsing the future? I know I have! I falsely believe this will fix painful memories and prevent future conflicts.

See, I've always dreaded conflict. I want everyone to get along, and "people problems" give me knots in my stomach.

But resolving conflict is part of life. People will mistreat us...and we must acknowledge and forgive our own mistakes too!

One day, I was suffering through a challenging time and Celeste reminded me of Ecclesiastes 7:13, "Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked?".

What I most appreciate about the book You Are Not Who You Think You Are is the reminder to lean into pain and discomfort—instead of running, hiding, or pretending. 

Trust God with honesty that brings revelation, healing, and protection.

-Stephanie Hodges

I grew up in a very "loud" house. I heard on an almost daily basis from my earthly father that I was lazy, fat, and that I would never amount to anything. His favorite line was that I was a disappointment to him since the day I was born and was not a boy.

Parallel to this, my sweet and verbally abused Momma made sure that my sister and I went to church every Sunday, where I heard a completely different message from my Heavenly Father. I heard that I was loved, safe and perfect in His sight.

As an adult, with the love and support of my amazing husband, I made it my life mission to prove my earthly father wrong and to live and grow into the image of my heavenly father.

When I got my copy of Celeste's book and began reading it, I immediately realized that her words were a balm for my healing heart. I had chosen years earlier to believe God but when those heart wounds are so deep, they resurface again and again when the devil wants to break you and mess with the kingdom work you are doing.

Celeste's words and testimony have provided a level of healing that I have never experienced before. When I look in the mirror, I see JOY. I see forgiveness for an earthly father who was mentally ill. I see a life well lived for our Lord and Savior and I see the potential of using my life tests as a testimony to help others.

I see love!

-Lois Snyder

Growing up in a dysfunctional family, in “The Projects”, with an absent biological father and an abusive father, has made me wonder at times if things could be different for me. I have struggled for many years wondering if my past can truly be redeemed. 


When I read chapter six, Be Redeemed, I embraced the hope that just as God redeemed Rahab and Celeste’s family story, He can do the same for me! I should be a statistic, but God has said otherwise and I’m reminded in chapter six that I don’t have to repeat the cycle. Instead, I get to choose the path God created for me which will lead me to flourish and thrive. 

I can now look at myself through Christ’s lens, knowing that God truly does care about my broken past and He’s willing to turn it around for my good and His glory. I know this is a message for so many other women as well. As Celeste says, “Your past does not have to be the defining factor of your future." 


I am so BLESSED by the writings in You Are Not Who You Think You Are

—Ashley Minor

“At 60, I thought I had learned to be bold and daring, but what I was living was not in Christ. The boldness I wore was really just me trying to control my circumstances and those around me. BUT I didn’t stay deceived, I dared to truly believe in CHRIST. For years, I would surrender everything to Jesus, with limited, temporary results because I always slid right back into my need to take control and try to handle things in my own power.


This past year, I can honestly say I’ve taken the bold step into the unknown by letting go of control. The results are amazing! Seeing God’s power work in my life, trusting in the Lord, and His control over myself, my marriage, my husband, my finances, my two new startup companies, my family and all that challenged my stability has been true freedom.


Reading You Are Not Who You Think You Are, led me to press into my true belief in Christ and not compensate with “…fear that would starve my potential”.  It allowed me to see the gift of being bold and daring to follow the command and promise of Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. “


As perfectly stated in the book, “Fear is a feeling, but boldness is a resolve to do what God has called you to do no matter how you feel.”  Feelings lie and God’s promises are TRUE and REAL!  If I could tell you anything. Hold onto this, Ephesians 2:10 “For we (YOU) are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”


I am grateful to the beautiful author of this amazing, inspiring book, Celeste Gonzales. Her willingness to be BOLD and DARING to BELIEVE in JESUS shows us the way to experience the same for ourselves.


Know you are Loved by the one and only Jehovah Jireh.

—Holly Collinsworth