2024 Ambitions
It’s 2024 and every feed is filled with year-end reviews and New Year ambitions, a repetitive cycle that sometimes leads to achievement, but most often leads to empty words on shared posts. Why is it that we have the same goals year after year: go to the gym, eat better, spend less, save more..?
Not that any of those are bad things, but what if we took a completely different approach to the New Year? What if we could step into something bigger, something better for our futures this year? I’ve realized over the years, that the most important things in life aren’t things that make us look better or have more, but things that steward God’s house, our hearts, and our homes.
Things like:
Forgiving quickly.
Saying goodbye to toxic relationships.
Getting value and worth from the secret places with the Lord.
Staying true to our word by allowing our yes’s to be yes and our no’s to be no.
Letting people know how much we truly care.
Serving in the house of God from a place of overwhelming gratitude.
Imagine what could happen if we were no longer tied to the past by chains of unforgiveness that relentlessly pull us backward. We could freely propel forward!
Imagine how letting go of toxic relationships can make room for positive voices that can bring energy and life to our dreams.
Imagine the wisdom and confidence that can be derived from unadulterated time with God.
Imagine the freedom in our schedules when we are clear with our commitments.
Imagine the depth of relationships we could have when things aren’t left unsaid.
Imagine the joy we’ll have serving God by loving His people.
Instead of repeating the same old cycles with a few weeks of good behavior and then the rest of the year spent in regret, let’s focus our attention on things that will truly matter at the end of our lives.
I’ll leave you with this question: what will truly satisfy your soul and please the heart of God? Whatever it is, do that! Happy New Year friend!